The European Commission launches this call for tenders for a study to support the implementation and enforcement of the Digital Markets Act (“DMA”). DMA aims at tackling unfair behaviour by gatekeepers and at improving market contestability by imposing a number of obligations and prohibitions on those gatekeepers.
By the end of the 6 months contract, the study should have mapped and presented comprehensively the possible security concerns stemming from the un-installation of software applications (Article 6(3) of the DMA), side-loading (Article 6(4) of the DMA) and vertical interoperability (Article 6(7) of the DMA) obligations whilst proposing effective measures to tackle them and solutions to mitigate risks associated with the identified security concerns.
The study should thereby offer practical recommendations based on already implemented, well tested or widely acknowledged solutions to ensure effective application and enforcement of the side-loading obligation laid down in Article 6(4) of the DMA, vertical interoperability obligation laid down in Article 6(7) of the DMA and obligation to allow for un-installation in Article 6(3) of the DMA.
The awarded contractor shall develop a methodology that encompasses the latest technical developments concerning security related issues as well as issues concerning the aim of ensuring integrity of operating system, virtual assistant, hardware or software features provided by the gatekeeper in mobile ecosystems. This methodology should demonstrate an in-depth understanding of current trends, emerging technologies, and best practices in the field of mobile ecosystems security.
More information and instructions on how to submit the tender can be found on the eTendering portal. This call is open until 17 October 2023.
- Publication date
- 19 September 2023
- Authors
- Directorate-General for Competition | Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology