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Digital Markets Act (DMA)
  • News announcement
  • 23 May 2024
  • Directorate-General for Competition, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology
  • 1 min read

High-Level Group for the Digital Markets Act agrees to coordinate efforts to ensure that AI development aligns with the DMA objectives

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On 22 May 2024, the High-Level Group for the Digital Markets Act (“High-Level Group”) convened for the third time in Brussels. 

During this meeting, the High-Level Group agreed on the need to coordinate enforcement and adopted a public statement on Artificial Intelligence. Additionally, the Group agreed to create a dedicated sub-group to discuss Artificial Intelligence. In the framework of this sub-group, the High-Level Group will:

  • follow developments in this critical area of policy, exploring the interactions between the DMA and other regulatory instruments;
  • continue to exchange enforcement experience and regulatory expertise relevant for the implementation and enforcement of the DMA also with regard to AI;
  • develop means to ensure effective cooperation, leading to a consistent regulatory approach across the DMA and other legal instruments.

The full statement is available on this page.



The DMA aims to ensure contestable and fair markets in the digital sector. It regulates gatekeepers, which are large digital platforms that provide an important gateway between business users and consumers, whose position can grant them the power to create a bottleneck in the digital economy.

The High-Level Group is composed by nominated representatives from the Body of the European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), the European Competition Network (ECN), the Consumer Protection Cooperation Network (CPC Network), and the European Regulatory Group of Audiovisual Media Regulators (ERGA). 

The High-Level Group may provide the Commission with advice and expertise to ensure that the Digital Markets Act and other sectoral regulations applicable to gatekeepers are implemented in a coherent and complementary manner. It may also provide expertise in market investigations into emerging services and practices, to help ensure that the Digital Markets Act is future-proof. 

For more information, visit the Digital Markets Act policy page and the Register of Commission expert groups and other Similar entities